The Resource Centre (RC), the flagship ‘bookroom’ of Holy Trinity Church, was started in 1984, by the then Rev. Canon Dennis Gurney. Through God’s grace, during the years, this has evolved into a great Christian Service Centre. Initially, books were displayed and distributed from the passage of Rev Gurney’s bungalow situated at the end of the present Chaplaincy House, due to the non-availability of proper premises to house a bookroom. In 1998, with the completion of the Chaplaincy House and sensing the reading urge/need of the Christian Community, premises became available to house the ‘bookroom’.
The range of products increased and to accommodate the larger Christian community, RC was expanded in 2005. Bibles, Christian books, Music, and Films were imported from India, UK, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia and the distribution/Ministry covered the UAE and the entire Gulf Region.
Currently, the RC has many varieties of books, from Bibles, daily devotionals, theological, study-bibles, biographies, family/relationship, preaching/counselling, children and teens books, and a whole range of gift items, from ceramic plates to wall hangings.
The refurbished RC now has a dedicated corner for gift items. With the Church Compound now fully opened, more reading material, from renowned authors and personalities, has been imported to cater to the varied reading habits of the local Christian Community.
RC is now open seven days a week !
The operating hours are:
Monday/ Tuesday/Thursday/Friday – 9.00am to 10pm
Wednesday – 9.00am to 8pm
Saturday/Sunday – 9.00am to 10pm
We request you to step into RC on your next visit to the Church compound and see the large variety of books, for all ages and seasons, and the gift/decorative items. The visit, we are certain will be richly rewarding.
Please call 04-3359623 / 056-2057411 or e-mail: for inquiries/assistance.